The Sense Of Mediated Agreements

It’s one thing to say you’ll let the judge decide.  It’s another to say what is decided.  Still another to agree with it.  Then, even after the gavel comes down, there can be issues over interpretation, appeals, monitoring, compliance, etc.

So, letting someone else decide doesn’t appear to lower risks, but rather may multiply them.

When you consider options to lower risks, consider the sense mediated agreements make.  The unpredictability of a decision-maker is replaced with deliberate agreement.  The imposition of an outcome is replaced with a personally (and meaningfully) crafted one – supplying built in buy-in, to boot.  The buy-in also tends to engender a durability in honoring the terms.

Most would agree that immediate, certain, and lasting outcomes pose low-risk and high-value potential.  For these reasons, mediation ought to be confidently encouraged among choices of remedies.

About Maria Hanna Joseph

Maria Hanna Joseph, principal of Joseph Mediation, is an Attorney-Mediator who is highly regarded for her experience and ability to resolve employment, workplace and organizational disputes. She has served more than 2,000 matters over her 20 years as a mediator and her 29 year employment law career. With care, expedience and economy, Maria helps attorneys and parties achieve settlement in nearly every mediation. Moreover, her pragmatism and perseverance bring about purposeful settlements; products of Maria's insight and creativity, gained by her depth of experience and training. These qualities, along with her demeanor and the trust she engenders, have earned Maria a reputation for being able to manage extremely challenging circumstances and settle a wide variety of cases. Maria is available to provide services in-person or virtually (utilizing teleconference and desk-top videoconference resources) throughout Massachusetts, New England and the U.S.
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